SARL Agence Montagne

Route des Grandes Alpes
au capital de 1 000€

Carte professionnelle de transaction sur immeubles et fonds de commerce et gestion immobilière n° 518 602 545 ; CPI 7301 2019 000 043 673, délivrée par la Préfecture de la Savoie

  • Carte portant la mention « gestion immobilière »

Garantie par Galian Assurances, 89, rue La Boétie – 75008 Paris sous le n° B 92042817 pour un montant de 120 000 €

  •  Carte portant la mention « transaction immobilière »

Garantie par Galian Assurances, 89, rue La Boétie – 75008 Paris sous le n° B 91042818 pour un montant de 120 000 €

Titulaire d’une assurance en responsabilité civile professionnelle auprès de

Garantie par MMA Assurances

14 Bd Marie et Alexandre Oyon

72030 Le Mans CEDEX 9

  • Pour la « Transaction immobilière » sous le n°120 137 405
  • Pour la  « Gestion immobilière » sous le n° 120 137 405

SIRET : 87917633700019

N° TVA intracommunautaire : FR83879176337


Création : Agence Mer & MontagneLegal information 1

Webmaster / Hebergement : Web@ttractif
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Collection privée Agence Mer & Montagne

OT ValloireLegal information 1
OT La PlagneLegal information 1
OT Alpe D’HuezLegal information 1
OT Les 2 AlpesLegal information 1
OT La RosièreLegal information 1
OT Val d’IsèreLegal information 1
LucimageLegal information 1
savoie-mont-blanc.comLegal information 1
Skiinfo.frLegal information 1

Data Protection Act

In accordance with article 27 of Law 78-17 of January 6, 1978, relating to data processing and liberties, you are informed that all information is collected by the Mer & Montagne Agency in order to process your reservation and that we may be led for marketing reasons to use them or to transmit them to third parties.

You have a right of access, rectification or opposition for the processing of information.


What is consumer mediation?

Mediation is a structured process by which two or more parties attempt to reach an agreement for the amicable resolution of their dispute, with the assistance of a mediator.

Mediation is a non-mandatory process. Mediation is free for the consumer. It is freely accepted by the parties. It is not a prerequisite or a substitute for legal action, but an alternative. The parties can end the mediation process at any time.

Consumer mediation applies to a national or cross-border dispute between the consumer and the professional relating to the execution of a sales contract or a service provision contract. National or cross-border dispute should be understood as the dispute defined within the meaning of Article L.611-1 of the Consumer Code.

Consumer mediation does not apply to:

– disputes between professionals,

– complaints made by the consumer to the professional’s customer service,

– direct negotiations between the consumer and the professional,

– attempts at conciliation or mediation ordered by a court hearing the consumer dispute

– proceedings brought by a professional against a consumer.

Is the establishment of this mediation compulsory?

Yes, it is mandatory for all disputes in the context of sales or provision of services between a professional and a consumer.
(cf. ordinance of August 20, 2015 and decree of October 30, 2015 -art. L611-1 et seq. and R612-1 et seq. of the Consumer Code)

Who is the mediator proposed by Agence Montagne to resolve any consumer disputes with my clients?

SARL DEVIGNY MEDIATION located at 9 avenue René GASNIER D01 49100 – ANGERS, represented by its manager Emmanuelle DEVIGNY, registered with the RCS of ANGERS (49) under number 824 611 818.

Phone: 02 41 25 47 58
